Investing in the Beat

Choosing to align your life with the heart of God.

Investing in the Beat

Text within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedThank you for your prayers. After you get a sense that God is speaking to you, there will come the time when God will ask you to make a choice. Sometimes, the simplest directions from the Lord may be a universe shaking commandment for us. They all distill to one question: "Will you love me more than any other?" And that might mean giving up a visit with friends for a trip to Italy. It might mean changing your normal route to work. It might mean buying a packet of cheese for a guy on the street. He wanted cheese, and he may have been Jesus in disguise, so I bought it. And when God asks you to do this, you will probably feel something you haven't felt since you were two years old. "No!" And then you have to choose. Will you choose your way or God's way?There are lots of "Christianities" designed to avoid this situation altogether. You can replace aligning with God's will with a lot of stuff that looks spiritual, but in the end ain't. But, those who discover the path of friendship with Jesus come to this place. Will you choose father and mother over me? Will you choose houses and lands over me? Will you choose (fill in the blank)? Or will you pick up the phone and call that person I have put on your mind? It's not all red seas. A lot of it is just being flexible and loving. These little steps are acts of doing what God is saying.And the more you do, the more your trust in God grows, and the more God trusts you. And God will give you more, and speak to you more, and guide you more, because you are a good investment. And the Lord really likes investing in good opportunities. I want to see a million artists that are worth investing in. Jesus invested in twelve. One was a dud. Eleven didn't show up when he needed them. One stayed to the end. And that one was given the responsibility of training the next generationafter all the apostles died. That one was the one who laid his head on the breast of Jesus and heard his heartbeat. Becoming the friend of God is all about hearing that beat, and walking in time to it. It is a good investment with unlimited returns. He Never Fails, Christ

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