God became a man.

This is the mystery of Christmas.

It is the heart of the Christian faith.

The Word became flesh.

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

We have seen his glory,

as the glory of the Father.

Full of grace and truth.

And this fact,

that God became flesh,

so that if we have seen him

we have seen the Father,

is the heart of the spiritual war in the earth.

The Kingdom of God

is not a symbolic kingdom.

It is a real kingdom, designed to supplant

the kingdoms of this world

until the Kingdoms of this world become

the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ.

And this Kingdom has a real king.

A real king who entered into this time space reality,

and took on flesh.

So much so,

that St. Luke gives us specific historic events

that point to the date, the time, and the place where it happened.

This isn't a mythological event.

The Incarnation is history.

One day, while working on research on the church year,

I stumbled upon a quote from Hippolytus.

He was writing roughly around the year of our Lord 200.

And he said that he had been to the archives in Rome, and seen the record

of the census

and the birth of Jesus

based on details in Luke.

And that Jesus was born on a Wednesday, December 25, in the 42nd year

of Caesar Augustus.

Yes, I will let your head swim around that.

These things really happened.

And God became a man.

And this event is full of controversy.

Christ John Otto directs Belonging House, an international community of artists and creative people.

You can find out more at https://belonging.house

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The War over Christmas